
Bring Back the Rainforest Project

‘Bring Back the Rainforest’ (BBtRF) Project is an initiative by SARAWAK FORESTRY Corporation (SFC) as part of the habitat rehabilitation efforts to bring back the rainforest landscape to Piasau Nature Reserve (PNR). The project aims to rehabilitate degraded forest areas in the Nature Reserve through the two following components, Enrichment Planting and Adoption Programme.

Orangutan Adoption Program

The plight of the world’s orang-utans has touched the hearts of many. This highly intelligent creature, sharing 97% of the same DNA as us, is endemic to Borneo and Sumatra and is regarded as highly endangered due to habitat destruction, indiscriminate hunting and the illegal wildlife trade.

The plight of the world’s orang-utans has touched the hearts of many. This highly intelligent creature, sharing 97% of the same DNA as us, is endemic to Borneo and Sumatra and is regarded as highly endangered due to habitat destruction, indiscriminate hunting and the illegal wildlife trade.

Sea Turtle Conservation Program

Talang-Satang National Park (Talang-Talang Island) is only open to volunteers from May to September. Priority given to those participating in the conservation program. (Sea Turtle Adoption Program). This program allows you to actively participate in turtle conservation at Talang-Talang Besar Island.